2 Issuing authority

Competence to issue the certificate is explained in Article 64[1] and Article 78[2] of the Regulation

The CSE may be established and issued by:

  • a court as defined in Article 3(2)[3],

  • another authority which, under national law, has competence to deal with matters of succession.

Not all issuing authorities of the European Union [ods][4] have competence to issue an ECS for a given succession. Only the following will have competence:

  • the issuing authority of the State of the habitual residence of the deceased,

  • in the case of a choice of law, the issuing authority of the chosen national law,

  • exceptionally:

    • We should note the subsidiary jurisdiction of the State bound by the Regulation and in which any immovable property is located (Article 10[5])

    • Forum necessitatis: if a succession which should in principle be within the jurisdiction of a third State cannot be settled in that third State (because of a civil war, for example), then the authorities of a State bound by the Regulation may become competent to settle that succession if they have the closest connection with the case in question (article 11[6])