7 Testate / intestate succession


No particular difficulties


All the dispositions of property upon death should be indicated. If there are several dispositions of property upon death, an additional sheet should be attached.

The other points do not pose any particular difficulties.

You are reminded that the Regulation provides a definition of the notion of dispositions of property upon death.

To enlighten this notion, reference should be made to the law applicable to the succession.

The other points do not pose any particular difficulties.


So if French law is applicable to the succession, the dispositions of property upon death include, among others, agreements as to succession, in particular donations between spouses of future assets, inter-vivos distributions or anticipated waivers of proceedings. These should therefore be mentioned.


No particular difficulties

7.4 Other information

This point refers to Article 68(j) of the Regulation[1] which states notably that information as to whether the succession is testate or intestate, including information concerning the elements giving rise to the rights and/or powers of the heirs, legatees, executors of wills or administrators of the estate.


The issuing authority must indicate the investigations it has conducted (notably checks of registers, etc.).

In particular, it may query the fCentral File of Last Wills and Testaments or consult the ENRWA, the European Network of Registers of Wills Association.

This information should be kept in the succession file.