The authority certifies...

Article 66 of the Regulation [1] states: “"the issuing authority shall verify the information and declarations and the documents and other evidence provided by the applicant. It shall carry out the enquiries necessary for that verification of its own motion where this is provided for or authorised by its own law, or shall invite the applicant to provide any further evidence which it deems necessary"".

According to Article 66,(3)[1]"Where this is provided for by its own law and subject to the conditions laid down therein, the issuing authority may require that declarations be made on oath or by a statutory declaration in lieu of an oath"”.


In other words, with regard to the effects of an ECS, the authority issuing the ECS should conduct a certain number of investigations to check the qualifications of the heirs and the absence of any challenges that might be pending, among other things.

It would seem useful that the authority issuing the ECS should indicate here the measures it has taken, the documents on which it is basing itself and/or any declarations that might have been made.